Chisholm Financial Dispatch
From Discipline to Freedom
Are 529's Really The BEST Way To Save For College?

Are 529's Really The BEST Way To Save For College?

What you should know about 529 plans and if you should be using one to save for college today!

What is a 529 college savings plan? How do I start a 529 college plan? Where should I open a 529 college account? YouTube statistics says these are some of the most common questions people are asking about 529 savings accounts.

529's are popular options for those planning for college either for themselves or their kids. But is anybody stopping to ask SHOULD college planners open a 529 savings account? In this podcast, I will explain the pros and cons of using a 529 for college savings. 529s are certainly one way of planning for college but are they the best?

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Chisholm Financial Dispatch
From Discipline to Freedom
Every week we discuss strategies to help you make sound financial decisions, achieve your financial goals, and work towards financial freedom. Hosted by Jenny Logan, Certified Financial Planner®, owner of Chisholm Financial Planning & Investments, and writer of the Chisholm Financial Dispatch.